UniSAinfo Help

Enter Registration Details


This section allows you to register for an online application.  Once you have successfully registered, you will receive a confirmation email with your login details that you should keep for future reference.  You are then required to access this email to activate your account.



Title: Please select your title from the drop down list.  Title is a required field.

Family/Last Name: Please enter your family/last name as displayed on your passport.  Family/Last Name is a required field.

First/Given Name: Please enter your first/given name as displayed on your passport.

Other/Middle Name: Please enter your other/given name if appropriate.

Preferred First Name: This is the first name that will be used for correspondence

Date of Birth: Please enter your date of birth in the following format: DD MMM YYYY eg. 21 JUL 1981. Alternatively use the icon next to the space provided and select a date using the arrows.  Date of Birth is a required field.

Gender: Select male or female.  Gender is a required field.

Citizenship Status: Please use the mouse to select one of the citizenship status'.  Citizenship status is a required field.

  • Permanent Resident Status: If you have been granted permanent residency within Australia and you are NOT an Australian citizen select this status. You will asked for your country of citizenship and permanent residency details.

  • International Applicant - If you do not possess Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency status for Australia, nor do you hold an Australian permanent humanitarian visa, you are classified as an international applicant. Note that holders of temporary protection visas are classified as international applicants.

  • New Zealand Citizen - If you are New Zealand citizen select this status.

  • Australian Citizen - If you are an Australian citizen select this status.

  • Permanent Humanitarian Visa Holder - If you are a holder of a permanent humanitarian visa holder and you are NOT an Australian citizen select this status

Citizenship Country: Please select the country of citizenship from the drop down list

Visa Information: Once you have selected the type of visa you currently hold, please enter the visa date from and visa date to in the following format: DD MMM YYYY eg. 15 SEP 2004. Alternatively use the icon next to the space provided and select a date using the arrows.

Passport Number: Please enter your passport number as it appears on your passport.

Passport Place of Issue: Please select the country that your passport was issued in, this appears on your passport.

What type of program will you be applying for? If you are applying for a Masters by Research or Doctorate by Research please select "Research Degrees Program", if you are applying for any other type of program, please select "All Other Programs".

Email Address: Please enter your email address you would like to use for correspondence.  Email address is a required field.

Confirm Email Address: Please re-enter your email address you like to use for correspondence. Confirm email address is a required field.


Once you have entered all the required information please select the Register button. When successful you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you have provided, which will contain your Application Number and Password. In order to complete your application you must click on the link contained within the email. This will take you to a Login page where you are required to enter this Application Number and Password.


If you are having trouble registering, please check you have completed all the required information. 

If you require further assistance please email UniSA: applyonline@unisa.edu.au
